Ya-Jun Liu group @BNU


Full-time Professor

Postal Add: Room 521, College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University,
  Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China
Phone/Fax: +86-10-5880 1160
E-mail: yajun.liu@bnu.edu.cn
WWW: http://chem1.bnu.edu.cn/lyj/
ResearcherID: E-1234-2012



Research Projects

1. Theoretical study on the chemical origin of firefly bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC (2007.1~2009.12).

2. Quantum chemical study on chemiluminescence of dioxtanes, sponsored by NSFC(2009.1~2011.12).

3. Theoretical study on the mechanistic photolysis of hydrocarbon halides, sponsored by SRF for ROCS, SEM.

4. Theoretical and experimental investigations on the assembly and regulation of novel photoconductive materials, sponsored by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2010.1~2012.12).

5. The QM/MM computaional simulation on the mechanism of jellyfish bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC (2011.1~2013.12).

6. Chinese-French caiyuanpei project, sponsored by CSC of China and Egide of France (2010.7~2012.7).

7. The computational simulation on the mechanism of bacterial bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC (2013.1~2016.12).

8. Theoretical study on bioluminescence, China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, sponsored by NSFC (2014.1~2017.12).

9. Quantum chemical study of mechanism for dinoflagellate bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC (2017.1~2020.12).

10. Theoretical and experimental studies of Ca2+-regulated photoprotein bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC-RFBR (China-Russia) (2019.01-2020.12)

11. Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of Energy Transfer in Photobacterium Phosphoreum Bioluminescence, sponsored by NSFC (2020.1~2023.12).
12. Theoretical Design of NIR-II in vivo Bioluminescence Imaging System, sponsored by NSFC (2024.1~2027.12).